Collection: Divi’s Labs

Divi's Laboratories Limited, often referred to as Divi's Labs, is an Indian pharmaceutical company headquartered in Hyderabad, India. It primarily engages in the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and intermediates for the global pharmaceutical industry.

Here are some key points about Divi's Labs:

  1. Business Focus: Divi's Labs specializes in the production of generic APIs, custom synthesis of APIs, and advanced intermediates. They cater to major markets worldwide, including the USA, Europe, Japan, and other regulated markets.

  2. History: The company was founded in 1990 by Dr. Murali Divi and Dr. Kiran Divi, who are brothers and pharmacists by profession. It started as a small manufacturing unit and has grown significantly over the years.

  3. Manufacturing Facilities: Divi's Labs operates multiple manufacturing facilities in India, which are approved by international regulatory authorities such as the US FDA, EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines), and others. Their facilities are known for high-quality standards and adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

  4. Products: They produce a wide range of APIs across therapeutic areas such as anti-convulsants, anti-ulceratives, anti-virals, cardiovascular, and more. Their products are used as key ingredients in various generic pharmaceutical formulations.

  5. Research and Development: Divi's Labs has a strong focus on research and development (R&D) to develop new processes, improve existing processes, and enhance efficiencies in API manufacturing. They invest in technology and innovation to stay competitive in the global market.

  6. Financial Performance: The company has shown robust financial performance over the years, driven by exports to regulated markets and a strong reputation for reliability and quality.

  7. Sustainability: Divi's Labs is committed to sustainable practices and environmental responsibility in its operations. They emphasize safety, environmental stewardship, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

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